924 research outputs found

    Picosecond fluorescence of intact and dissolved PSI-LHCI crystals

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    Over the last years many crystal structures of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes have been determined, and used extensively to model spectroscopic results obtained on the same proteins in solution. However, the crystal structure is not necessarily identical to the structure of the protein in solution. Here we studied picosecond fluorescence of Photosystem I-Light Harvesting Complex I (PSI-LHCI), a multisubunit pigment protein complex that catalyzes the first steps of photosynthesis. The ultrafast fluorescence of PSI-LHCI crystals is identical to that of dissolved crystals, but differs considerably from most kinetics presented in literature. In contrast to most studies, the present data can be modeled quantitatively with only 2 compartments: PSI core and LHCI. This yields the rate of charge separation from an equilibrated core (22.5+/-2.5 ps) and rates of excitation energy transfer from LHCI to core (kLC) and vice versa (kCL). The ratio R=kCL/kLC between these rates appears to be wavelength-dependent and scales with the ratio of the absorption spectra of LHCI and core, indicating the validity of a detailed balance relation between both compartments. kLC depends slightly but non systematically on detection wavelength, averaging (9.4+/-4.9 ps)(-1). R ranges from 0.5 (below 690 nm) to around 1.3 above 720 nm

    Фотоэлектрохимическое окисление ацетилсалициловой кислоты

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    The progression of neurodegenerative diseases as well as healthy aging is accompanied by structural changes of the brain. These changes are often only subtle when considered over time intervals of several months. Therefore morphometrical techniques for their detection in longitudinally acquired MR images must be highly sensitive, and they require a careful validation. In the present study, a novel processing chain for a longitudinal analysis based on deformation field morphometry is described. Procedures for its quantitative validation are also reported: Deformation fields were computed for the simulation of non-linear, local structural changes of human brains. Applying these deformation fields to "original" MR images yielded deformed MR images. The volume changes defined by the deformation fields represented the standard, against which the results of the longitudinal analysis of each pair of original and deformed MR image were compared. The proposed processing chain enabled to localize and to quantify simulated local atrophies near the cortex as well as in deep brain structures. An exemplary analysis of serial MR images of a patient suffering from an atypical Parkinson syndrome (cortico-basal degeneration, CBD) and healthy control subjects is presented, showing a characteristic pattern of volume changes in the brain of the patient which is strikingly different from the controls' patterns of changes

    Анализ и совершенствование системы адаптации персонала на предприятии

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    Цель работы анализ и совершенствование системы адаптации персонала на предприятии ООО "Суши-Маркет". В соответствии с поставленной целью, в задачи работы входит: 1) рассмотрение теоретических основ найма и адаптации персонала; 2) проведение анализа действующей системы найма и адаптации персонала в ООО "Суши-Маркет"; 3) внесение руководству рассматриваемой компании предложений по улучшению действующей системы найма и адаптации персонала.The purpose of the work is the analysis and improvement of the personnel adaptation system at the Sushi-Market LLC. In accordance with the goal, the tasks of the work include: 1) consideration of the theoretical principles of recruitment and adaptation of personnel; 2) analysis of the current system of recruitment and adaptation of personnel in LLC "Sushi-Market"; 3) submission to the management of the company in question of proposals for improving the current system of recruitment and adaptation of personnel

    A coupling matrix vision for mobile filtering devices with micro-acoustic wave technologies. A systematic approach

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    Con el espectro radioeléctrico cada vez más saturado, los filtros y duplexores son elementos claves de la tecnología en el mercado de dispositivos discretos para la telefonía móvil. El segmento de usuario de los sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas aprovecha las destacadas propiedades de los dispositivos filtrantes basados en resonadores acústicos. Generalmente, el diseño de dispositivos de onda acústica ha sido asumido por técnicas de optimización debido a las restrictivas limitaciones impuestas por la viabilidad tecnológica de los resonadores SAW y BAW, así como las exigentes especificaciones eléctricas. Una respuesta de transmisión muy restrictiva y factores tecnológicos muy limitantes conducen a hacer el diseño más y más complejo y una tarea muy desafiante. El objetivo del trabajo está enfocado en facilitar el diseño de filtros/duplexores y hacerlo más eficiente. En consecuencia, la formulación inicial del problema se ha centrado en la viabilidad tecnológica para implementar filtros de onda acústica. Proporcionar una metodología sistemática es útil para acelerar la curva de aprendizaje de nuevos diseñadores. Los filtros de microondas con elevada selectividad son posibles si sus funciones de transferencia incorporan ceros de transmisión finitos. La introducción de nodos no-resonantes (NRN) da la posibilidad de diseñar filtros con el máximo número de ceros de transmisión finitos sin tener que implementar acoplamientos directos entre la fuente y la carga. Además, las configuraciones en línea con NRN permiten la extracción de los elementos analíticamente. La típica configuración de filtro ladder presenta similitudes características de acuerdo con las redes de prototipo en línea con nodos resonantes y no-resonantes, que son las propiedades de modularidad, para controlar los ceros de transmisión con resonadores independientes, y respuestas completamente canonícas sin acoplamiento fuente-carga directo. Los elementos de la red pasobanda son dados por ecuaciones explícitas en términos de aquellos en los prototipos en línea con NRN que pueden ser sintetizados analíticamente. Como consecuencia, es posible definir una metodología de síntesis directa para obtener los parámetros pasobanda eléctricos de un filtro RF general que está basado en resonadores acústicos. Este trabajo presenta una metodología que proporciona un procedimiento de síntesis sistemático para diseñar filtros y duplexores ladder basados en resonadores de onda micro-acústica. La metodología de diseño utiliza un enfoque nodal basado en NRN y nodos resonantes. La representación de la red mediante una matriz de acoplamiento mixta de nodos resonantes y no resonantes es capaz de gestionar de forma eficiente las restricciones tecnológicas. El procedimiento es eficiente en tiempo, preciso en los resultados y proporciona un profundo entendimiento de las particulares interacciones que se producen entre las restricciones tecnológicas y el funcionamiento del dispositivo. Un completo paquete de software, con un simulador rápido, preciso y de fácil uso, ha sido desarrollado, permitiendo obtener diseños de primera etapa exitosos. Como resultado de la metodología sistemática, hemos desarrollado un método de diseño que combina y sistemáticamente gestiona redes filtrantes compuestas de bloques de polo extraído con bloques de resonadores acoplados, es decir, celdas ladder con secciones CRF. Además, la metodología has sido extendida exitosamente para tener en cuenta el diseño de divisores de potencia con respuesta filtrante por medio de dos topologías diferentes: la configuración ladder y las secciones CRF. La metodología propuesta ofrece una solución que combina el completo cumplimiento de las máscaras de espectro con topologías preparadas para acomodar las restricciones tecnológicas de la tecnología micro-acústica. La metodología ha sido desarrollada orientada nativamente a gestionar la tecnología, como es el ajuste de la limitación en el acoplo electromagnético, y basada en fundamentos de síntesis rigurosos.With a spectrum more and more overcrowded, filters and duplexers are drivers of the technology in the discrete device mobile market. The user segment of wireless communication systems takes profit of the outstanding performance of filtering devices based on acoustic resonators. Usually, the design of acoustic wave devices have been mainly entrusted to optimization techniques because the stringent constraints imposed by the technological feasibility of SAW and BAW resonators and the challenging electrical specifications. A stringent transmission response and very restrictive technological factors lead the design to a more and more complex and challenging task. The aim of the work is focused on easing the filters/duplexers designs and making it more efficient. Consequently, the initial formulation of the problem was focused on the technological feasibility of acoustic wave filters. Providing a systematic methodology is useful to accelerate the learning curve of new entrant designers. Microwave filters with high selectivity are possible if their transfer functions incorporates finite transmission zeros. The inclusion of non-resonant nodes gives the possibility of designing filters with the maximum number of finite transmission zeros without implementing direct couplings between source and load. Furthermore, inline configuration with NRN allows the extraction of the elements analytically. The common ladder filter configuration exhibits characteristic similarities regarding inline prototype networks with resonant and non-resonant nodes, which are the property of modularity, to control transmission zeros by independent resonators, and fully canonical response without a direct source-load coupling. The elements of the lowpass prototype are given by explicit equations in terms of those in in-line prototypes with non-resonating nodes that can be synthesized analytically. As a consequence it is possible to define a direct synthesis methodology to obtain the bandpass electric parameters of a general RF filter that is based on acoustic resonators. This work presents a methodology that provides a systematic synthesis procedure for designing ladder filters and duplexers based on acoustic wave resonators. The methodology uses a nodal approach based on resonating and non-resonating nodes. The coupling matrix representation with a mix of different nature nodes, resonant and non-resonant, is able to efficiently manage the technological restrictions. The procedure is time efficient, precise in the outcomes and provides a deep understanding of the particular interactions between technological constraints and device performance. A complete software package with fast, accurate and easy-to-use simulator has been developed, enabling starting point design success. As a result of the systematic methodology, we have developed a design method that combines and systematically manages a filtering network composed of extracted-pole blocks with coupling resonators blocks, so it is ladder cells with CRF sections. Moreover, the methodology has been successfully extended to take into consideration filtering power dividers by means of two different topologies: ladder configuration and CRF sections. The proposed methodology offers a solution that combines a complete spectrum fulfillment with topologies ready to accommodate technological constraints of micro-acoustics technologies. The methodology has been developed natively oriented to manage with the technology, such as accommodating electromechanical coupling constraints, leveraged in rigorous synthesis foundations

    Derivation of Fiber Orientations From Oblique Views Through Human Brain Sections in 3D-Polarized Light Imaging

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    3D-Polarized Light Imaging (3D-PLI) enables high-resolution three-dimensional mapping of the nerve fiber architecture in unstained histological brain sections based on the intrinsic birefringence of myelinated nerve fibers. The interpretation of the measured birefringent signals comes with conjointly measured information about the local fiber birefringence strength and the fiber orientation. In this study, we present a novel approach to disentangle both parameters from each other based on a weighted least squares routine (ROFL) applied to oblique polarimetric 3D-PLI measurements. This approach was compared to a previously described analytical method on simulated and experimental data obtained from a post mortem human brain. Analysis of the simulations revealed in case of ROFL a distinctly increased level of confidence to determine steep and flat fiber orientations with respect to the brain sectioning plane. Based on analysis of histological sections of a human brain dataset, it was demonstrated that ROFL provides a coherent characterization of cortical, subcortical, and white matter regions in terms of fiber orientation and birefringence strength, within and across sections. Oblique measurements combined with ROFL analysis opens up new ways to determine physical brain tissue properties by means of 3D-PLI microscopy

    Cytoarchitectonic mapping of the human frontal operculum—New correlates for a variety of brain functions

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    The human frontal operculum (FOp) is a brain region that covers parts of the ventral frontal cortex next to the insula. Functional imaging studies showed activations in this region in tasks related to language, somatosensory, and cognitive functions. While the precise cytoarchitectonic areas that correlate to these processes have not yet been revealed, earlier receptorarchitectonic analysis resulted in a detailed parcellation of the FOp. We complemented this analysis by a cytoarchitectonic study of a sample of ten postmortem brains and mapped the posterior FOp in serial, cell-body stained histological sections using image analysis and multivariate statistics. Three new areas were identified: Op5 represents the most posterior area, followed by Op6 and the most anterior region Op7. Areas Op5-Op7 approach the insula, up to the circular sulcus. Area 44 of Broca’s region, the most ventral part of premotor area 6, and parts of the parietal operculum are dorso-laterally adjacent to Op5-Op7. The areas did not show any interhemispheric or sex differences. Three-dimensional probability maps and a maximum probability map were generated in stereotaxic space, and then used, in a first proof-of-concept-study, for functional decoding and analysis of structural and functional connectivity. Functional decoding revealed different profiles of cytoarchitectonically identified Op5-Op7. While left Op6 was active in music cognition, right Op5 was involved in chewing/swallowing and sexual processing. Both areas showed activation during the exercise of isometric force in muscles. An involvement in the coordination of flexion/extension could be shown for the right Op6. Meta-analytic connectivity modeling revealed various functional connections of the FOp areas within motor and somatosensory networks, with the most evident connection with the music/language network for Op6 left. The new cytoarchitectonic maps are part of Julich-Brain, and publicly available to serve as a basis for future analyses of structural-functional relationships in this region

    Розрахунок та проектування окремого фундаменту будівлі на природній ґрунтовій основі. Методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань та курсового проекту з дисципліни «Механіка ґрунтів, основи і фундаменти» сту- дентами напрямів підготовки 6.060101 Будівництво та 6.050301 Гірництво

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    Подано методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань та кур- сового проекту з дисципліни «Механіка ґрунтів, основи і фундаменти» для сту- дентів напрямів підготовки 6.060101 Будівництво та 6.050301 Гірництво. Розглянуто порядок проектування фундаменту будівлі мілкого закладан- ня на природній ґрунтовій основі. Методичні рекомендації передбачають виконання курсового проекту «Розрахунок та проектування окремого фундаменту будівлі на природній ґрун- товій основі» як із викладачем, так і під час самостійної роботи. Можна використовувати також у підготовці курсового та дипломного про- ектування